Short Introduction Of Orpington Chicken
Orpington Chicken originated in Great Britain in the late 1800s during the “Hen Fever” period that touched the interest of certain chickens. This type was developed by William Cook, a trainer who lived in Orpington, Kent. Orpington was created by breeding Minorca and Black Plymouth Rock. From that time on, the chickens were raised on clean Langshan legs. William Cook began feeding the chicken species for a double cause in the eggs and meat on the table.
Features: Orpington Chicken is a large bird with a sensitive pad that covers the size of a bird. Padding allows for tolerance of cold temperatures better than various types. Orpington chicken is considered an active bird and performs well without fencing or restrictions. Their situation is quiet and critical; however, their obedient nature made them vulnerable to the most aggressive forms.
The bird has a deep chest with a curved back, short legs, and thick thighs covered with thick wood. Orpington has one or more brushes (depending on national regulations), red wattles, and white ear canals. The hen, in general, gives birth and is believed to be a respectable mother.
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